Play by the Rules!


Now chess is not my game, Ill admit that upfront.  Even    my nephews can beat me easily.  The prospect of having to think several steps ahead on a board in a narrow confined space, irather daunting for me.  I admire those who can almost carry out a pregame sequence in their head, even play the game in their head. However I was not gifted with that ability!

However, I decided to play my little bro.(Malakye) in chess  and checkers. Well the game wasnt much in doubt, but the process along the way was interesting! In checkers its pretty much cut and dry what the moves are, but in chess you have to learn all the figures and what they CAN AND CANNOT DO.  For instance, a bishop  cant move vertically and a rook cant move diagonally. Well Malakye had the pawns moves down pat, but was a little shaky in using the horse or the other advanced figures, So I  began to teach him.

Its much this way in life. We are tempted many times to NOT PLAY BY THE RULES IN BUSINESS, IN OUR PERSONAL LIFE, IN OUR DEALINGS WITH OTHERS,  buyt we are compelled to as Christians.  The Bible tells us “that we are to provide things honest in the sight of all men”   Romans 12:17                              Bernie Madoff ran a major worldwide scam, but there are countless other people that defraud others on a more minor scale.  Many play like Goldman Sachs and do the default swap thing in their own way.

They might sell something that they dont tell the complete and honest truth about.Companies shade the truth in advertising all the time in order to catch eyeballs on the internet.  There is nothing wrong with a good hook, but one that partially conceals the truth is wrong. Now one might say, hey that the way it is in business and in real life,  “If you dont play it smart and street smart you are going to get run over”  and I agree to a point,  You dont have to be naive, but you do need to be honest..

A huge temptation looms in front of us all the time, to do the right thing, or to fudge the rules to get ahead!  Im far from perfect and I struggle with this as well as any man, but if we need to tell the truth even if it does hurt.

Well Malakye will be better the next time I play him, and eventually hell beat me too, Not hard!  However maybe hell learn that playing by the rules is the best advice you can give a kid. One of these days he might come back to ssay thank you!  Remember they are watching us to see if well do what we really believe! and then follow  our example!

Truth Serum? We need to administer this to our…

Truth serum what is it? We know it to be a drug adminstered to criminals or alleged criminals to extract the trut. . It was first brought to the fore by a Dr William Blacksteen in 1930 and used it as in CIA training manuals in 1996, This despite being ruled unconsitutional in the early 1960’s.

The drug consists  of sodium bentathol  which  was used on psychiatric patients to induce mania or catonia. The jury is still out on the effectiveness of this

drug because,GET THIS,  THE  TRUTH SPOKEN IS OFTEN MIXED WITH FANTASY OR FALSEHOODS.  How appropriate, I thought!!  Our leaders havve this veneer of speaking the truth, but very often speak and believe the opposite of what they want  you to believe!  You might remember Arnold Schwartzneggar  and Jamie Curtis in  TRUE LIES where he  plays a double agent a super spy. In the end however his wife Jamie  Curtis administers the truth serum and draws the whole truth out of him!

Sometimes I think we need to do that with every politician that sets foot on Capitol Hill!  If they only could find some drug that would be 100% effective!! LOL

* Consider that we have been told that we have cutting spending, when in fact we have not, we have increased the spending of big   govt every  year for a long tim!

*  Consider in the current election cycle we are told on thing  during the campaign and another during the next term!  Its exhausting just to keep up with the verbiage from Washington!

* Consider that the TRUTH HAS BECOME A RELATIVE CREATURE NOT AN ABSOLUTE!  and that anything  that achieves an end is more likely to be accepted as norm!   We no longer can accept our leaders word for it because it seems the only thing they swear upon is the sustaining their own careers.

Distorting, exaggerating, stretching, and obfuscating the truth is as normal as hot dogs apple pie and Chevrolet! When senators and  Congressman swear upon the Bible to tell the truth and nothing but the truth it appears meaningless!

Ill cut taxes, Ill create jobs, Ill get tough on terrorism, Ill get tough on Congress and reign in uncontrollable spending, Yet what do we have at the end of each cycle?  A painful facisimile of  the last!!

It doesnt matter if you are Republican or Democrat or Independe3nt, this stretches across all party lines. Consider how easy it is to lie, and how God’s Word (the ultimate truth serum needs to be applied)  Its far too easy to get caught up in the  excitment of the election and the promise of a change, forgetting that the system is broken: and we as people need fundamental change in our hearts!   MOST PEOPLE WOULD RATHER HIDE THEIR HEADS IN THE SAND, THAN LOOK SQUARELY AT AN ISSUE A PARTY OR AN IDEAL FOR WHAT IT IS.  They would rather stick with what they know, instead of donning a critical thinking cap and be open to true change!!

The Prophet said that “Truth is fallen in the streets’ and indeed it has. What was once a man’s bond, is totally situational and fluid with whatever the

priority is at the moment. That is not Truth! We need to wake up and take the truth serum ourselves and ask  ourselves some deep questions.

What do I want for this country?  Do I  realize that  celebrity cult of Americana compromises the truth that people need to hear? Am I open to hear from both sides and am willing to invest time to really explore the issues, rather than fall back on the same pary lines? Am I going to let my country deterioriate or am I going to do my part in RESTORING AMERICA TO GREATNESS.

I am not here to advocate any party, or political action group, some of the ones I like are on FB page.  Rather I  want to stimulate you to action and serious thought.  No we cant make every politican or local leader take the truth serum or polygraph, but we should hold them to a much higher standard than we are!  We cant let them get away with the widespread influence peddling and pandering to special interest. We elect our leaders and as such we can jerk the thumb downwards when we arent happy with their preformance or decisons!



Hello friends. A link to share that might be of help. Family Foundations International

Here i the link.  Craig Hill is an annointed man of God in the area

of family finance, A successful financial professional he has turned his focus to the American family and holds seminars and events

to assist the family to reach their goals, and exorcise the curses that hold them back,

As always I recommend links that I think to be helpful… Add to your reading and if you  like to your favorite link list.


I will be writing an article on Truth Serum, something our country desperately needs. One wonders how our country would change if our

politicians decided to tell the whole truth. To deal with the consequences of their poor short sighted decisons NOW, rather than LATER. Truth

is not the easiest things to swallow, but if it will heal our land and aright our country, WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO?  DO WE WANT TO CONTINUE






Scouts Honor!

I had an off day so I figured I might head up to North Greenville County, and explore.  The first place I stopped was the Poinsett Bridge off Callahan Mtn Rd.  As noted in the pictures this bridge was built in 1820 by the daughters of the American Revolution.. not a generation after Thomas Jeffersom and George Washington. The bridge was part of a toll road, and one at the  time connecting Charleston to Asheville.  Joel Poinsett, then Director of Public Works, commissioned the bridge, fashioned in the Gothic manner with the arch.

As I took pictures I kept thinking that the rough stones on top were the ones built by early settlers, but the whole bridge was built by comtemporary labor, most likely Robert Mills. It has definitely stood the test of time, I descended to the bank and river and walked through the arch and up the other side to take some photos.  What struck me was “what is this fine work of engineering doing way out here in the wilderness?” The biggest surprise was that it was constructed without concrete,and yet even the rough stones at the top didnt budge. Joel Poinsett had a vison of a growing state and worked dilligentlly to increase commerce and attract residents. Poinsett later became an important figure : statesman, Secretary of War, and botanist.

I parked across the road, and noted with dismay the trash by the side of the parking lot, though there was a trash can within ten feet. How careless and lazy can you be? After exploring the trails I found which one circled around to Camp Old Indian, a place i had wanted to explore for a long time. After a fifteen minute walk i ran into it.  Along the way I noticed a tree filled with Scout graffiti, I  meant carvings.. everybody wants to leave something behind, a sense of their immortality..a calling card to future Boy Scout troops.

Situated in a little valley below Old ndian Mountain (2200 ft)  its a Boy Scout camp of the Blue Ridge Council since 1955. It occurred to me after walking through the camp and looking at the maps (pics shown) that this place was well planned and designed for man years to come.   They had little “adoniracks’ which are leantoos with an overhanding roof.. I was struck with a  sense of tranquility and peace as I crosssed the stream and walked by the lakes. This place was as near to paradise and God as you are going to get in this life!  Acessible by Rt 25 and about halfway between Greenville and Hendersonville, its bordered by the Greenville Watershed on the south Old Indian to the north.

This  place resounded to the laughter and good times of many a young boy. These boys were taught ethics and  skills that help teach them independence and creativity, Importantly they are taught to respect nature and around them and preserve it for generations to come. There is a certain camarderie among Scouts and I sensed it even with an empty campground! I  have never been a Boy Scout so I dont know how often, if at all the Bible is brought into the mix, but at least there is a God orientation and ethics to live by!  Multiple trails were there to teach them to enjoy nature and explore it, and not leave a trace behind.  I have enclosed some pictures of some of the highlights i found..  I thought of how many of our youth spend the majoirty of their time in front of computers and video games and tragically miss the wonders of nature and how to live in it and respect the land.  I thought of how quickly the pace of life has picked up since i was in youth  camp. People it seems are too  busy or to much in a hurry to appreciate the simple things in life. Either they cant sit still enough to do so, or they always think they have to be doing something.

I noticed some slogans of the Boy Scouts as I walked through the camp, Be Prepared! ..they teach them to anticipate emergencies and prepare for them. A big emphasis is put on hands on skills.  Another one, Do a Good Turn Daily..  I came to a sign or a series of signs,  that seemed to point everywhere but in the right direction. i though they were good at maps rely on your GPS or even your compass but not on this sign!

I went by the Trading  Post, and it reminded me of Cowboy Town at the BIll Rice Ranch. Just hitch your horse to the rail and come on in partner! Some of the more interesting things were the totem pole at the entrance to the Reserve and the Indian head at the Entrance. I wondered what the symbols meant on the totem  pole? Inscribed below on a plague was a phrase worth mentioning!

“Good deed in this life are coals raked up in embers, to make a fire next day”

In a larger sense Christians have a higher calling are sowing more than good deeds, they are sowing eternal seeds in the lives and minds of young people!  We make friends and do good deeds, however we help prepare people for eternity, It doesnt get more important than that!

On the way back to Hwy25 i stopped at North Fork baptist church  and was struck by its location. “The Church in the Wildwood”  song  comes to mind! I had to take some pics. This was a nice trip for the body and mind that didnt cost me hardly anything.

I left this place with a sense of this being a special place. A retreat an oasis of calm, and a training ground for the building of  future generations. People want to and to come back here.

PS  I noticed that this place  has two trees that are ,or are near state records. one poplar is 133 feet tall and 30 feet wide, I have to come back to finish off my photops. LOL I shall return if only to register my little bro Malachi to take part in this great experience!    As this link will attest, the Boy Scouts have been not been  immune to the political correctness of the day. Now atheists and  homosexuals are clamoring to get in.


Recently, I had the occassion to google a friend of mine to find out contact info, only to find out to my genuine shock that he had passed away!  I had planned to spend time with Alvin Gravely and his wife Mary, but I let life get in the way and I canceled out of it. Regret washed over me as I realized what I had done.. I had multipled opportunities to see him but never followed through!

Powerful impressions are something that we should definitely listen to, because they are rarely wrong! I remember the great times I had with him when I first met him through a friend at the Taylors First Baptist church. The biggest impression i received from him was the need to appreciatee my freedoms, and to stay in touch with God! There are people that come into our lives and leave, and then there are those that come in and never leave, I mean those that you dont want to leave! Alvin was such a person!

I remember Alvin as a tough old bird from the Navy, he had fought in the Korean War and I had tons of respect for him., He also was one of the most consistent Christians I know. Despite going through excruciating pain from  botched back surgery, he remained in control of his spirit, He could not sit down walk or lay down without some pain to his back, To my amazement he never complained to me once!  He would talk to me about serving the Lord and keeping that sweet spirit  and this is coming from a real man mind you.  I kind of heard him but didnt realize the import of his words.

Later I realized what Alvin meant to me. and the example that he left for me. Alvin also demonstrated the power of resilience that rose above his pain and glorified God nonetheless!  My problems and challenges paled compared to his!   I wonder if you have had the same thing happen to you, and opportunity slip through your fingers?

I wonder  if you have had a strong impression about a boyfriend or a girlfriend, and ignored it, I wonder if you had a impression about a financial decison but ignored it.  I dont have to ask too much  about the results. Usually when we pass on and ignore our impressions, we are duly punished.  Do you have a story to tell?  have you guys learned from the tendency to put things off?

Can you agree with me that your personal impressons, if they are strong, are usually correct? I learned that day the hard result putting things off for too long. I realized that we all have opportunities to witness, to help somebody, to reach out, to  advance, but too often WE GET IN OUR OWN WAY!

I know Alving is somwhere looking down below  from the great cloud of witnesses, encouraging us on.  He has run the race now its out turn to finish strong! Please add your comments below, and if you like what you see, follow me or like it on FB.\

Until next time


. “In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do. The worst thing you can do is nothing.” ~Theodore Roosevelt